Thursday, February 9, 2012

Glance at Crazyville

Whish, whish, swish.  The sound of Etienne and his layers sneaking around at night.  Our night time insomnia has returned and the constant, really bad behaviors have decreased during the day.  I have no explanation of why.  I can't really say that my "babying" him or doing my midwife tricks helped.  I tried.   And I would prefer the uneasiness of our nighttime prowler and the lack of sleep any day.  I do less sleep on a regular basis; you know babies prefer the nighttime.  
Reality is that we will eb and flow without any rhyme or reason for our attachment behaviors.  Reality is funny.  I am so grateful that finding underwear in my entry light cracks me up; 2 years ago, I would have been grumpy that my child was throwing underwear.  Sure, we may need to replace some dry wall and clear the ducts from army men and play dough, but it's keeping me out of the loony bin.

     Molly and I have fun with the random findings in our house.  Here is a glimpse of the week.  This is totally normal.  I love this.

A pair of Batman jammies found  on my dresser mirror

Our new eraser light switch. You can find one in  all the bedrooms.

"What's the problem?" Utility broom in the bathroom, check.

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