Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happiness is..

     So we've hit another valley in the Higgins' house.  Etienne is struggling big time, which means the whole family is working hard right now.  Although we have our battles, most of the time parenting Zeke is loud, silly and easy.  Looking for blessings today.  
How to Keep Zeke Happy:
1. Plenty of snuggling. 
This boy needs at least 10 minutes a day.  Molly is always willing.
 2. Vacuuming 
I promise I am not abusing his love of a clean carpet.  He yells things like "Look out, I'm coming!"
Sometimes we lay next to each other.  When I turn a page, he turns a page.  Then my heart melts.

4. European (or Rwandan) Dining
People always say Zeke eats a lot.  Actually,  he just eats really, really slow.  Okay, I'm not fooling anyone. He eats a ton.
     The first six weeks that Ezekiel was home, he screamed.  And when he didn't scream, he cried.  Mixed in with some hollering and yelling.  Then he fell in love.  He literally stopped mid-cry and smiled at me. Since that day (10/21/09 to be exact) there hasn't really been a glimpse of that sad, little baby.  That's probably one reason why the sparkle in his eyes motivates me as much as anything else I do.  I remember his "before" and now we are living his "after."
     I don't know if Etienne will have one life changing moment like his little brother.  Most of the time, we have two steps forward and another step back.  I know that God has promised to redeem my son, I just don't know when that will be.
 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! -2 Cor :17  

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