Friday, June 29, 2012

Everyone needs a Blake.

     "Little" can only be used to describe my birthday boy's physique.  He has the biggest heart in the family, not to mention being the funniest.  I can't imagine surviving life post adoption if I didn't have Blake's quirky sense of humor ("someday when I eat enough to cover my rib bones, can we have a party and eat ribs?"), his nurturing manner with his brothers ("Etienne, hold my hand if you get scared, I have go-go gadget arms"), or the energy that he spreads (we once left him up watching Sports Center to see how long he would last; he pulled an all nighter watching the same episode run over and over again.).
     Blake wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up, while being married to an Ethiopian woman (he charmed them when we spent time there after being in Rwanda) and raising 7 adopted boys.  Last week he told me that he missed Africa.  While his daddy has been out of town, he's been emptying the trash, telling me I am pretty and offering to "watch the boys."  Several days this week, he has whispered in my ear in moments of stress with his brother that he is praying for me.  I'm sure you can tell I'm smitten with him.
     The thing about being Blake is that reality was the hardest for him.  When we brought his new brothers home, he lost his title as baby BUT ALSO had to let go of virtually everything that was "his."  Molly could maintain her princess status and the little brother's never had much interest in her toys, room, etc.  Blake shared his belongings, his room and even his bed with a glad heart.
     Until last year, Blake completely believed that he was adopted from Hawaii.  After learning his status as biological, he sighed, shook his head and walked slowly away.  He does have the surfer boy look, living in board shorts, topless with a tan and white hair.  I love, love, love that this child believes that adoption is totally the norm.  Happy birthday to my wanna-be Hawaiian.
Meeting his "little" brother.  Etienne has continued to hold at least 25lbs on Blake at all times.
They like to be "twins," when he gets his barber shop 'do on, I fear he looks like a happy Eminem
It's difficult to tell, but Blake is holding his baby brother on his lap.  Don't  mind that Zeke weighs 5lbs more..."He ain't heavy, he's my brother"

Goofball wanted pickles, shrimp and mixed berries for his birthday.  The other kids ate cheese pizza.


  1. Blake is a treasure to be sure. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE absolutely everything about him. Happy Birthday, Buddy! Grandma Holz

  2. I have a Blake and his name's Gabriel. He wants to be the next George Mueller. I pray for Blake to keep his great big heart open.
