Sunday, June 17, 2012

For Ryan

Dear Ryan,
     I know that when you married me you didn't sign up for my tattoo, rockin' worship services or getting awoke at 5am for sheet changes.  You are my conservative Republican.  Constant and patient and fair.  A few years ago, God called us to this path of uncertainty, full of highs and lows, grace and mercy.  More than ever before, Ephesians 4:1-3 is the verse that reminds me of you:
"I urge you to walk in the manner worthy of the calling in which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
     I am so grateful that we are a team; that is it us against The Entourage.  When we went from man-to-man to a zone in parenting, you stepped up your game.  When I am in tears, you are my voice of reason.  If I jump first and think later, you are there to catch me.  I get us into a lot of pickles and you get us safely home.
     My boys open doors, tell me I'm pretty and ask to pray for me.  They learned that from your example.  Molly has no interest in boys, plans to marry a brilliant, well traveled Godly man someday and requires boys to respect her.  She is learning what a man is by the father in her life.
     I know this won't settle well with the die hard mothers of the world, but I love Ryan more than anyone in the world.  Biblically, we are commanded to love our spouse the most (as Christ loved the church! see Ephesians 5).  I can't love my kids well if I don't love my husband even more.  I'm so thankful for our marriage; the highs and lows, the laughter and disagreements.
     I am embarking on 12 days of parenting alone.  Most of my fear and anxiety is about how I will respond to our kiddos without you by my side, but we will be just  fine.  Happy Father's Day to my bestest friend, my favorite guy and my one and only.
His vegetarian wife does make him his favorite key lime pies.
Don't know if you can see this. It's Zeke's drawing of Daddy and Zeke holding hands and playing baseball.  Love.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much, baby. You have pushed me to become who I am. One night down - eleven to go.
